Best Strategies for Launching AI-Based Minimum Viable ProductsSam Crosher, CTO @ Verticode
August 5, 2024, 9 min read

Artificial intelligence (AI) has developed a reputation as being a true propeller for every industry. AI robots let surgeons perform more intricate procedures, AI algorithms help shield the finance industry against fraud and risk, and AI has enhanced the customer experience to new heights in retail and ecommerce. For tech startups who don’t want to lag behind, AI represents a huge opportunity to gain a competitive edge. However, integrating AI into minimum viable products (MVPs) can feel like venturing into uncharted territory in various ways. So, how can founders leverage AI the right way to put together a successful MVP?

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What Is an AI MVP?

AI, at its core, involves developing computer systems that are highly capable of performing tasks that typically require human minds. An AI Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is an initial, streamlined version of a product that uses artificial intelligence to deliver core features and functionalities with minimal effort and development time. The primary purpose of an AI MVP is to allow founders to test their assumptions and validate their ideas before making significant time and monetary investments. By gathering user feedback and making iterative improvements based on data-driven insights, this approach demonstrates the potential of AI technology and helps in understanding market demand and user interaction with the AI components integrated into the product.

Why Now?

AI involvement in society is only increasing, so there’s no better time to catch the wave than today. For tech founders, taking advantage of these opportunities early can mean capitalizing on unfolding trends and establishing leadership in their niche. Startup founders who choose to develop AI-driven MVPs have a unique chance of attracting investors who see these technological advancements as an indicator of long-term growth and success. And with the rampant availability of data today, AI algorithms can quickly analyze massive datasets, paving the way for a more polished MVP in less time.

The best part is that AI can benefit tech startups regardless of size or sector. Beyond automating tasks that don’t require much nuance, AI can greatly improve personalization, an area where expectations are continually rising. AI's ability to scale as MVPs grow lets even the smallest startups handle data and user demand as they pile up.

Key Strategies for Developing AI-Based MVPs

1. Define the Problem Clearly

  • Start by clearly defining the problem your AI MVP intends to solve for its target customer base. Understanding the pain points and needs of your audience is essential for creating a relevant and impactful solution.

2. Choose the Right AI Models

  • Understand the Use Case: Select AI models that best suit your specific use case. For instance, use classification models for tasks like spam detection or predictive models for forecasting.

  • Pretrained Models: Leverage pre-trained models when possible to save time and resources. These models can be fine-tuned to fit your specific needs.

  • Gather Relevant Data: Identify the types of data needed to train your AI models effectively. This may include user behavior data, transaction data, or sensor data, depending on the application.

3. Iterative Development Process

  • Adopt Lean Methodologies: Utilize lean startup methodologies, which emphasize building, measuring, and learning in iterative cycles.

  • Iterate: Develop MVPs to test hypotheses and gather user feedback rapidly. This approach helps validate assumptions and refine the product continuously.

4. Prioritize Features Wisely

  • Essential vs. Nice-to-Have: Distinguish between must-have features and those that can be added later. Focus on delivering core functionalities that provide immediate value.

  • User Feedback: Incorporate user feedback to prioritize features that enhance the user experience and address key pain points.

5. Testing

  • Model Validation: Validate your AI models thoroughly to ensure they perform as expected. This includes cross-validation, A/B testing, and performance benchmarking.

  • User Testing: Conduct usability testing to gather insights into how real users interact with your product. This feedback is invaluable for making improvements.

6. Scalability and Flexibility

  • Design for Scalability: Ensure your MVP is designed to scale as your user base grows. Choose scalable infrastructure and modular architecture.

  • Be Ready to Pivot: Stay flexible and be prepared to pivot based on user feedback and market demands. An MVP is a learning tool, and adaptability is key to success.

Find the Right Development Partner: Introducing Verticode

As MVPs can take months to build, having expert help can be extremely valuable for shortening your time to market and getting strategic guidance with things like prioritization and user experience. Verticode is the ideal partner for AI-driven MVP development, especially if you want to validate your MVP concept and gather feedback as quickly as possible.

At Verticode, we specialize in developing AI-driven MVPs with an average build time of just 2 weeks. Our custom automation tooling accelerates the development process, making it faster and more affordable for founders, entrepreneurs, and startups. Our MVPs are fully coded, ensuring a robust and scalable foundation for your new venture.

Building Your AI-Based MVP with Verticode

1. Intro Call

The process begins with an introductory call where we introduce Verticode and get an overview of the MVP you aim to build. This session helps us understand your vision, goals, and target audience, setting the stage for a successful project.

2. Scoping Call

Next, we conduct a detailed scoping call with our development team. During this call, we delve into the specific elements of your MVP, discussing the features and functionalities you envision. We also identify the AI models that will be utilized in your MVP. This step ensures that the project scope is well-defined and feasible.

3. Contract Signing and Development Kickoff

Once the project scope is agreed upon, we move forward with contract signing. After the contract is signed, Verticode's development team takes over, building the MVP based on the defined scope. Each client is assigned a dedicated developer and project manager to ensure seamless communication and project management.

4. Sprints and User Testing

We work in 1, 2, or 3-week sprints, depending on the project requirements. During these sprints, there are opportunities for user testing to gather feedback and insights. Midway through the sprint, we hold a feedback session to assess progress and make any necessary adjustments. This iterative approach ensures continuous improvement and refinement of the MVP.

5. MVP Final Release

Once the release-ready MVP is delivered, founders can then launch to their early adopters. If further development is needed, clients can book additional iteration sprints with us to enhance and expand their MVP.

6. Ongoing Support and Scaling

After the initial launch, our support doesn't end. We provide ongoing assistance to ensure a smooth transition to the market and help you scale and optimize your product as needed. This can be in the form of iteration sprints, MVP2/MVP3 build sprints, or maintenance packages.

Verticode ensures that your AI-based MVP is built efficiently, meets your requirements, and is ready for market testing and further development.

Additional Considerations for Founders

Additional methods of integrating AI into your product can significantly enhance its value. While these enhancements often occur after the initial MVP stage, they can also form a substantial part of your MVP’s offerings, depending on the product. Here are some examples to consider:

Customer Service

AI-powered chatbots provide 24/7 support, handling a wide range of inquiries efficiently. To implement these capabilities:

  • Choose the right chatbot platform for your business needs.

  • Train and refine your chatbot to ensure it provides useful customer interactions.

For example, an ecommerce startup could use an AI chatbot to help locate relevant products and general FAQs. Natural language processing (NLP) can work to understand exactly what customers are asking or looking for and provide quick responses to solve the issue.


Customer data is expansive and becomes more valuable as your business grows. Leveraging AI in marketing can significantly enhance user acquisition and retention.

  • Pick a customer relationship management system (CRM) that captures comprehensive customer data.

  • Utilize AI automation to schedule and craft relevant content, such as personalized email campaigns and targeted ads based on user behavior.

  • Use AI analytics tools to consistently improve existing campaigns and refine new ones.

For instance, if you run a SaaS startup and want to keep your users engaged, AI can gather details on how people use your product and which features they like best. This information allows you to tailor marketing messages, ensure new users feel at home quickly, and fine-tune your product's features, leading to happier customers and a thriving MVP.


AI-backed automation can manage internal operations by handling repetitive processes and making operations more efficient. In operations, AI can:

  • Provide real-time visibility into inventory, workforce, and supply chain.

  • Streamline development workflows by incorporating automation for code testing, bug tracking, and deployment.

Tech startups often use AI to streamline their development processes and enhance team collaboration. By taking over repetitive tasks and delivering valuable insights, AI equips these budding companies with the tools to stay nimble and ahead of the curve.


Financial startups often lack the systems to defend against fraud and risk, making them targets for cybercriminals. AI strengthens credibility by learning to detect anomalies and suspicious activities. Applications include:

  • AI fraud detection systems that protect against fraudulent activities.

  • AI financial analysis tools that assist with budgeting and forecasting.

Startups can safeguard their financial assets and those of their users by employing AI algorithms instead of traditional manual methods. This approach saves time and offers a more robust financial security system, as AI is adept at spotting irregularities that might slip past human oversight.

Challenges and Considerations

Launching an AI-based MVP comes with a unique set of challenges and considerations that new founders must navigate carefully. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Balancing Human and AI Involvement: While AI can automate many tasks, over-relying on it can lead to a lack of human oversight. It's crucial to maintain a balance, ensuring that complex and critical processes still involve human judgment to avoid errors and biases that AI might not catch.

  • Scalability and Adaptability: Building an MVP with AI requires consideration of future scalability. The chosen AI models and infrastructure should be capable of evolving with the product as it grows and adapts to new requirements and market demands.

  • Ethical and Privacy Concerns: AI technologies often raise ethical issues, particularly around privacy and data security. New founders must ensure they handle data responsibly, comply with relevant regulations, and be transparent about how data is used to build trust with their users.

  • Cost and Resource Management: Developing and training AI models can be resource-intensive. Founders need to be mindful of their budget and allocate resources efficiently, especially when working with limited funding during the MVP stage.

  • Managing Expectations: AI systems may not deliver optimal performance right out of the gate. It's important to manage stakeholder and user expectations by clearly communicating the capabilities and limitations of the AI in its early stages and highlighting the plan for continuous improvement.

  • User Feedback and Iteration: Incorporating user feedback is crucial for refining AI models and the overall product. Founders should establish mechanisms for collecting and analyzing feedback to make iterative improvements that align with user needs and preferences.


Launching an AI-based MVP offers a powerful opportunity for founders to leverage cutting-edge technology and gain a competitive edge in their industry. By clearly defining the problem, focusing on data quality, choosing the right AI models, and maintaining an iterative development process, founders can create an impactful MVP that meets market demands. However, this journey comes with its own set of challenges, including balancing human and AI involvement, ensuring ethical considerations, and managing resources effectively. With careful planning and execution, new founders can navigate these challenges and build a scalable, adaptable, and valuable AI-driven product that attracts users and investors alike. Partnering with experts like Verticode can further streamline this process, providing the necessary support to bring your AI MVP vision to life swiftly and efficiently. As AI continues to evolve, embracing its potential while staying mindful of its limitations will be key to long-term success in the tech landscape.

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